A local church for Wellingborough and surrounding areas ABOUT US SUNDAYS CONTACT US CHECK OUT INSTAGRAM FOR OUR CURRENT EVENTS! compasschurch.wellingborough Prayer meeting is taking place tonight from 7-8pm, Rooted is on tonight from 7pm til 9pm! The heart Prayer meeting is taking place tomorrow from 7-8pm Rooted is on tomorrow 7pm til 9pm! The heart of r We would like to invite you along to the children' Good morning, come and join us this morning for ou We would like to invite you along to the children' Our Advent Christmas Wreath workshop was a great s Instagram post 18170427244312494 How To Stand Here's a recap on what Kyle spoke ab On Saturday we welcomed teachers, school staff, st Our core groups run on Wednesday/Thursday nights a 🧽 Big Church Clean 🧼 Part 3 Thank you to al 🧽 Big Church Clean 🧼 Part 2 Thank you to all 🧽 Big Church Clean 🧼 Part 1 Thank you to al Come and join us tomorrow! Compass Church - a loc We would love to see you tonight for Youth & Junio Here's a recap on what Paul spoke about in last Su Our core groups run on Wednesday/Thursday nights a And that’s a wrap… Sunday School 2024: Bible T Load More Follow us on Instagram Copyright © 2024 Divi. All Rights Reserved.